Voice Carry Over

Voice Carry Over ( VCO ) lets individuals with a hearing loss continue to use their own voice on the telephone.

VCO, a technology developed by Ultratec, allows people to speak directly to the person they are calling, then read that person’s response on their CapTel, TTY, or Uniphone display. No more straining to hear the response, or asking people to repeat themselves. Because you can read their words, the meaning comes through loud and clear every time. And the conversation maintains a personal, natural feeling, because people are using their own voice.

VCO with a TTY / Uniphone

VCO calls with a TTY can be made in two different ways, either directly between two callers or with the help of a Telecommunications Relay Service(TRS).

VCO with a CapTel Telephone

VCO users also benefit from Ultratec’s Captioned Telephone, CapTel, an enhanced form of VCO technology which does not require a separate TTY.  With CapTel, people speak for themselves, then listen to their caller while also receiving captions of what is said – all in one telephone.